Sustainability is important to O&S Doors

O&S Doors is featured in – Inside Sustainability Magazine on page 91 – https://inside-sustainability.com/latest-issue/
Here at O&S Doors we respect both our natural and working environment. That’s why our approach to door production relies on intelligent manufacturing, safe work practices, quality control and economical use of materials.
Sustainability is important to O&S Doors as a company because we care about the environmental impact that we have on our neighbours, other business owners and surrounding communities.
We aim to cause minimum disturbance locally by reducing sound pollution, ensuring all waste is stored and transported effectively.
We care about the impact that our actions today, have on future generations. This is why it is so important to our team to construct a working environment or business model in which business can thrive while ensuring that we are sustainable. Our strategic sustainability goal is to preserve natural resources as much as possible for the future of manufacturing.
As an organisation, we believe that with growth there is increased social responsibility. At O&S Doors we aim to do everything that we can to preserve, recycle and reuse everything that runs through our production facility.